
Bad Breath Relief

Becoming a Board Certified Functional Nutritionist: Tips and Tricks for Taking Online Training Courses

If you're passionate about natural health care and want to improve people's lives, becoming a board-certified functional nutritionist can be a rewarding career path. With online training courses, you can pursue this certification while fitting it into your busy schedule. This post provides you with essential tips to help you successfully navigate the journey of becoming a board-certified functional nutritionist through online training courses. Research Accredited Programs: Before enrolling in any online training course, it's crucial to ensure that the program is accredited by recognized professional organizations in the field of functional nutrition. Read More 

How Can Natural Medicine Doctors Help Patients Find Health And Wellness?

No matter what type, medicine is designed to promote the healing of the body and mind. Some people find that traditional Western modalities of medicine are too harsh. These people may prefer to seek care from a doctor who practices natural medicine. These are some of the things that natural medicine doctors can do to help their patients find health and wellness: 1. Treat the root cause of ailments. Natural medicine doctors seek to understand the root cause of ailments of the body and mind. Read More 

Ways To Improve Your CBD Gummy Experience

CBD gummies provide a convenient and tasty way to enjoy the benefits of cannabinoids. You can take one in the morning to ease stress before a big day or chew one at night to help you relax and fall asleep. After a little experimenting with dosing and timing, you should get a pretty good sense of how CBD gummies work for you, and how your body responds. But there may still be a few ways for you to get more out of the CBD gummy experience. Read More 

Tips For People Suffering From Incontinence

Continence refers to the inability to control the urinary tract. Mild cases involve small accidents while sneezing or laughing. More serious cases can severely impede the patient's life. People who suffer from incontinence may be able to improve their condition by making simple changes at home. Here are five tips for people suffering from incontinence.  Minimize Toxins Your kidneys may struggle to process toxins, such as alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, leading to incontinence. Read More 

About Me

Bad Breath Relief

I’m always embarrassed when my loving husband gently offers me a mint. For us, offering the other person a mint is code that he or she has bad breath. Regardless of how many times I brush my teeth or gargle mouthwash a day, I still sometimes suffer from bad breath. I especially deal with this issue after eating some of my favorite foods like onions, peppers, or fish. After researching this embarrassing problem online, I’ve discovered many natural remedies for it. Many of them revolve around things you probably already have in your pantry. On this blog, you will find out about different natural cures for bad breath.